New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls & Batman Copycats: Don’t Be An Idiot

Junk Food Nation, ever since the horrific shooting in Aurora during a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises,” some copycats have emerged.  One man in Maryland actually called his company after they fired him, calling himself, “The Joker,” and threatened to kill his boss and former co-workers.  After he was arrested, a friend of him said that he probably just meant those comments sarcastically.  Yep, and I’m sure he meant to own the 25 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition sarcastically, too.

Look, this blog post is NOT about gun control or the politics surrounding it – we all have our own opinions, and you can get plenty of that talk on more refutable (or…er…ACTUAL) news sites.  Nope, this post is about not being an idiot.

This Maryland copycat guy is clearly a situation that warranted and was dealt with seriously.  But I have seen stories of people in Batman theaters being idiots, leading to some panic and subsequent arrests.   In SoCal, some dude was pissed when Batman didn’t start on time and started yelling, “I should go off like in Colorado” and “Does anybody have a gun?” Seriously?

First Amendment-types can debate whether its OK for a comedian to make jokes about tragedies and how long you’re supposed to wait, etc.  Shouting that shit in a theater not two weeks after the Colorado tragedy occurred? I think everyone on both sides of the aisle, pro-gun, anti-gun, etc. can agree – that guy’s an idiot. “Excuse me, sir? Um, you’re freaking us all the eff out. Can you not do that? Otherwise beatdown city is right outside.”

And there have been other reports of panic at other showings of the Dark Knight Rises.  Morons. I realize we all have different political, spiritual, closely held beliefs in this country that may differ drastically from person to person – but can we all agree that scaring the shit out of other human beings is a BAD thing?  Thanks. Try not to be an idiot out there.

Today’s junk food: New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls!

New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls: The Money Shot

New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls are made by Nabisco, and they are the natural step in cracker/filling sandwich invetions after they had so much success making savory Ritz Crackerfuls. Makes sense, no? Ritz : Cheese, Graham Crackers : Creme…it’s like one of those SAT logic problems.

No corn syrup???

Featured recently in the New York Times, these New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls are just one of three new flavors of Grahamful out there, with the other two being Peanut Butter and Peanut Butter/Chocolate. And it features NO CORN SYRUP, which I’m still amazed at.

Love the hexagonal honeycomb-shaped clip art

Not surprisingly, you can’t find these New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls anywhere on the Nabisco website, which is harder to navigate than LA during rush hour.

Anatomy of a grahamful

I’ve always loved graham crackers – I used to demolish boxes of these.  Per Wiki, the graham cracker  was developed in 1829 in New Jersey by a Rev. Graham who believed that one could curb sexual appetite and carnal urges such as masturbation by eating bland food, and so he invented this cracker.  Almost 200 years later, and we’re still all gettin’ it on.  Sorry Rev. Graham.  Thanks for the delicious crackers.

QR Codes!

You know, despite my heavy use of technology…I’m still not on the QR code train yet.

Relatively low sodium

MMMM Banana Powder

New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls contain malt syrup made from corn and barley.  How is this different than corn syrup? I have no idea. Wiki says its “about half as sweet as refined white sugar.” Er…ok.

Colorful wrapper

New Honey Maid Banana Vanilla Creme Grahamfuls come in individually wrapped bars…

Like a long Golden Oreo

…and this is what it looks like unwrapped.  So…unassuming.  Like a flattened earthworm.  Made of graham cracker.  And frosting.  Time to eat.

Light-colored creme, smells like banana!

By itself, the graham cracker is crispy and crunchy like the graham crackers you grew up loving.  Not super sweet, and FULL of honey flavor – I forgot that Honey Maid was so good at making graham crackers.  The creme by itself is light, fluffy, and as I rubbed it across my tongue, tasted lightly of banana and vanilla creme.  I thought the creme was perfect – it wasn’t BANANA creme, which I would expect to taste VERY strongly of banana; it was banana VANILLA creme.  I expected a lightly banana-flavored sugary creme and that’s what I got.

Decent ratio of creme to cracker

The graham cracker and the creme, eaten together….wow.  I must say, I REALLY liked these. Now make no mistake; these are not Golden Oreos, and they aren’t cookies generally.  Some of you out there eating these will say its too dry, or it’s not sweet enough.  That’s because you are expecting a cookie or something else.  Don’t.  It’s two really solid honey tasting graham crackers with a nice light banana vanilla creme within.  It’s a light snack with a decent crunch that didn’t make me feel heavy or dazed with sugar when I was done.  These were REALLY good.  Buy these.

PURCHASED AT: Walmart (also seen at Giant Grocery)

COST: They were 2 for $5.00

Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 15 Comments

  1. Cynthia says:

    Nice review, makes we want to go buy some. I love banana, and it can be difficult trying to find a snack that has a decent banana flavor.

  2. Kahnfucius says:

    I like how you described this website as a non-refutable source for news. Now I can’t even criticize that description…

  3. Elisa says:

    I love it when you can’t find a new product on a company’s website. :p

  4. Chris H says:

    Alton Brown did a bit on graham crackers. They weren’t always the sweet molasses crackers that we know and love. They use to be hard and flavorless… a whole grain version of hard tack, basically. Sure THAT would make you want to stop touching yourself… no, you say?

    So I guess they were eventually bastardized (for the better) by American consumerism.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Chris H: Ah, good to know. Whole grain hard tack….blech. I like the bastardized version too. Graham crackers are the things I literally eat once every two years and always think, “Damn, I should be eating these all the time!”

  5. Smile says:

    Oh, I’m glad that you reviewed this. I saw this flavor along with peanut butter and a peanut butter+chocolate flavor (surprisingly, no stand alone chocolate) and was curious about the actual product.

  6. “Natural Flavor with Other Natural Flavor” – these copywriters are genius!!!

    They’re making everything into a cracker sandwich these days. I’m waiting for the Goldfish Cracker sandwiches…

  7. twinsmom2012 says:

    I got a box of these when they first came out and im holding on to the last grahmful till i cand find another box. I cant find rhem at all! Just the pb and the pb& chocolate …. or on line and im not too sure i want them that bad lol
