Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips & “Spiderman, Spiderman, Does Whatever A Spider Can”

Junk Food Nation, I saw the new Amazing Spiderman movie on the Fourth of July, and I loved it.  Here’s a secret which is not really unexpected for those who know me – when I was much younger, I used to be a comic book geek.  SURPRISE!  I collected comic books.  This comes at a shock to no one. “What? The guy who writes a junk food blog used to read comic books under his blanket with a flashlight and pretend to be a superhero? Shocker!”

I even used to watch the old Spiderman cartoon:

What, am I so much older than you, Nation, that you never realized there WAS a Spiderman cartoon? Didn’t you ever wonder where THIS came from:

Well, now you know, young’ins.

Anyways, the movie.  It was really good!  Now I actually LIKED the first Tobey Maguire Spiderman movie – it fit the style of what the early comic books looked like.  It was bright in color, highly stylized in an almost vaudeville-comedic manner, with cutaways that constantly broke the fourth wall, and lots of winks at the audience.  When Spiderman 2 and Spiderman 3 came out, however, I think the brightly colored sheen had worn off, and it was hard to try and inject more serious themes when the backdrop was so absurd.  Spiderman 2 and 3 felt a lot like the Val Kilmer and George Clooney Batman movies – ridiculous.

The new Amazing Spiderman reboot was fresher, and more realistic – as realistic as a superhero movie can be.  There are still some ridiculous moments and overly stylized scenes, but Spiderman was always meant to be a little more fantastical than, say, Batman.  The acting of Eduardo Saverin, I mean Andrew Garfield, as a lanky, nerdy but basically normal kid, and his chemistry with Emma Stone, is really what carries the movie.  While I liked Tobey Maguire in the Spiderman role, Garfield’s take on Mr. Parker is a version I won’t be getting bored with over a few more movies.

I’m no movie reviewer – but I really liked the new Spiderman.  And now, today’s junk food: Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips!

Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips: The Money Shot

I’ve reviewed Snikiddy snacks plenty of times on this blog.  These new Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips just debuted, however, and I got my first crack at them at my visit to the Summer Fancy Food Show.

The people at Snikiddy were really nice – they were excited that I had reviewed a few of their snacks before, and wanted me to try their brand new chip: The Italian Herb and Olive Oil veggie chip!

Vegetable chips are the new pink

Interestingly, the Snikiddy people said they weren’t sure about this new flavor; that these Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips were meeting some mixed reviews. They wanted my opinion, and I was more than happy to sample and give them an opinion.

Lotsa great spices for only 110mg of sodium

When they handed me the bag of Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips, I struggled to open the top of the bag. “Open the bottom of the bag,” they said, “For some reason they tear open easy down there.” So I stood the bag on its head and easily tore into the bag with no problems!  There’s a JFG insider tip for you – open Eat Your Vegetable Chip bags at the bottom, not the top.

Eat your vegetables, indeed

I tasted these chips at that time, and for this review, I tasted these Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips again last night.  And my opinion from both tastings remained the same: These were DAMN GOOD CHIPS.

Open the bag from the bottom!

The first thing I noticed about these Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips was the taste and flavor of olive oil. I’d recognize it anywhere – that round oil taste that permeates the back of your tongue and your throat, and it stayed behind after I swallowed.  This was subtle, but since I love and eat olive oil a lot, I picked up on it right away.

Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables Italian Herb & Olive Oil Chips

The most immediate flavor of course was the Italian herb. Big bold salty flavors of garlic and onion and in the aftertaste of chewing the rosemary and thyme flavors came out strong. REALLY good flavor profile here. The herbs mixed with the olive oil flavor made me feel like I was sampling one of those herbed oils with some nice chunks of crusty bread.

Texture of the chip was exactly as I expected – crisp, crunchy, light, yet satisfying.  Nicely powdered and never heavy feeling. Overall, I think a VERY solid chip, and one of the best chips I’ve had in a while. Awesome job, Snikiddy.

PURCHASED AT: Fancy Food Show (but you can get them in groceries stores anywhere)

COST: Free (but I’ve seen them retail for anywhere between $2-$3 a bag)

Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 8 Comments

  1. Shorneys says:

    Whatever, Veggie-boy. It’s NATIONAL FRIED CHICKEN DAY. I am going to destroy a bucket of fried amazingness.

  2. I love that trick about opening the bag from the bottom – how funny!

    Reminds me of this banana trick that blew my mind —

    Love that they know about your blog. You’re a star!

  3. junkfoodguy says:

    @Teresapalooza: Yeah, I was excited that they were so excited!

  4. Will says:

    Those chips have some serious seasoning on them, they look really good. I will have to try them. I use to watch spiderman the cartoon also. That youTube video brought back memories. Great review!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Will: Thanks, man. Yeah that old Spiderman cartoon was great – Spiderman looked a little doughy, but I dunno – I kinda like that

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Kahnfucius: HA! Also, when you get hit by gamma rays, you don’t turn into the Hulk – you just get skin cancer. Waaa WAAAAAAAAA (sad trombone)
