Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar & Awkward Mondays: Driving Matthew Lesko’s Car

Junk Food Nation, I was driving home yesterday when I saw out of my rear view mirror the Matthew Lesko car.  For those of you who don’t know who Matthew Lesko is, he’s the Riddler, the Question Mark guy, he’s the dude in this video:

When I was growing up, I used to think he was a nut job.  Of course, now I realize he is sort of a genius of self-promotion.  I have no idea if he’s successful or if his programs work, but he did a great job reminding everyone who he is.

He’s constantly pushing his brand too – he drives either a yellow Mini Cooper with question marks all over it, or the car I saw yesterday, an Orange Scion with question marks all over it. I was trying to be a safe driver, so I didn’t snap a pic with my phone, but this is what his car looks like:

The Riddler-mobile!

I was talking about this with my friend Joe and we both agreed – how awkward would it be to be Lesko’s kid and ONLY have these vehicles to drive to school or other places?? Or have to drive it in ANY social situation? (And not JUST because it’s an Orange Scion.)

Imagine being forced to pick up your date for Prom in this car. Yep, you’re sure to be named Prom King and Queen after showing up in this monstrosity.  Or if you’re part of a funeral caravan procession? It looks like you’re mocking the dead! Or you go to the grocery store, come out, and find a whole line of children at your car. No, this isn’t an ice cream truck, kids. Now back the heck up because your parents are starting to give me the stink eye.

Maybe Lesko just thinks EFF IT – you’re going to know I’m coming whether you like it or not!   And why not? I can’t wait until I can have an Orange Fiat with the Junk Food Guy logo emblazoned on the side, complete with a cannon that shoots Doritos out the top and Van Halen’s “Dreams” blaring at full volume on repeat. And I’m gonna drive my kid to school in it every day. Whatever – his/her friends will love it when I blast them with free Doritos.

Today’s junk food: Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar!

Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar: The Money Shot

My friends over at Foodette Reviews and The Impulsive Buy have already reviewed some of these, so I was excited to find this Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar at my local Harris Teeter.  These were rumored a while back, and now they are here!  Of course, I almost missed this – I was standing in the checkout line when I spotted this bar literally hiding in the middle of a box of Snickers.  I scanned the entire store – not another bar to be found. Where the heck did this come from???

Candy bar merit badge!

This Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar cost $2. Two bucks!!! A box of Girl Scout cookies costs, what, four bucks? Talk about being gouged.  This candy bar better make me think it’s worth half a box of actual Samoas.

Ummmm don’t you mean SAMOAS

And can we dispense with the coy naming, Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar? YOU’RE A SAMOAS BAR.  JUST SAY IT.

So do I!  One box at a time.

Despite my grumpiness as to the price, this does seem like a match made in heaven.  I’m still looking for the other two bars Nestle has released, one based on Thin Mints and one based on Tagalongs.

LORDY that’s a lot of calories

Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar, you have a lot of calories, but no more than an average Snickers bar.  I’ll just ignore these numbers as I dig in…

Striped like a gourmet cake

Let me tell you; this Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar was the BOMB DIGGITY. Love the tiger striping, don’t you?

Crunch? Different than a traditional Crunch bar – there are no Rice Krispies in this bar.  But the Kit-Kat-like wafers provided a really good “crunch” – with so many layers for my teeth to go through, this definitely provided a good chew.

Two separate pieces, 1/2 serving each

The outer layer of this Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar? Nice milk chocolate and cocoa flavor, plain and simple.  Plenty sweet and smooth enough to mix with whatever flavor was within.  Plenty of chocolate flavor too – despite the semi thin layer, it was enough to complement the rest of the bar.

The wafer and creme innards

The inside of this Nestle Limited Edition Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Caramel & Coconut Crunch Bar was just a great mix of caramel and coconut flavors.  Neither was hidden, both flavors really came out and shined.  The first flavor I tasted was the sweet caramel, then the coconut flavor materialized as I chewed. When both flavors mixed, it basically tasted like sweetened toasted coconut. Could I distinguish the layer of toasted coconut or the layer of coconut creme? WHO KNOWS – it ALL tasted like coconut!

Amazing. JUST like a Samoa.  Basically this tasted like a traditional Samoa, a little crunchier, with more chocolate flavor.

Would I buy this candy bar again? WITHOUT A DOUBT. I mean, a crunchier version of a Samoa – what’s not to like???

PURCHASED AT: Harris Teeter

COST: $1.99

Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 21 Comments

  1. Abby says:

    CVS has all the flavors. I tried the thin mints one and absolutely loved it! 🙂

  2. Shorneys says:

    FUNERAL PROCESSION? Genius. Horrible, horrible genius.

  3. Jennifer says:

    I saw them at Wal-Mart for $.78 last Thursday

  4. Dr. Stanley Goodspeed says:

    If I were Lesko’s kid, I would be psyched that he was mentioned on an episode of “The Venture Brothers”!

  5. Genius post! Maybe Lesko’s kids make it work for them – “Dudes, wanna get high in my dad’s funky car?” Hee…

    And I *love* the idea of a car that shoots free Doritos! Maybe Doritos will buy you one down the line. It would serve them well.

    Have you seen the Red Bull cars? They give them to people for free, I think – you just have to drive around in an awful Red Bull car for a year.

    Love this Samoas bar – must look for it!

  6. Kim says:

    They’re “caramel and coconut” because there are two Girl Scout cookie bakers and one calls them Samoas and one calls them Caramel de’ lites (or something like that). I think tagalongs are called something different as well! But Thin Mints are always Thin Mints – go figure!

    Anywho – I picked one of these bars up this morning at Kroger for $0.89 – and it was well worth it!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Kim: AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, clarity. That makes total sense – you’re right I forgot about the naming discrepancy. And God Bless Kroger – we don’t have em up here in DC!

  7. Lindemann says:

    Gotta nonconcur on this one, JFG – I thought the caramel flavor in these was extremely artificial and nasty. The Thin Mint one was dreamy, though. Go get that one! We got ours at CVS.

    Another junk food suggestion – Edwards frozen Cookies and Cream pie. Had a sample at BBQ Battle on Saturday and it was DELICIOUS.

  8. Lot-O-Choc says:

    Oh good job that it was worth the $1.99, sounds delicious! We don’t have samoas in the UK ive never heard of them before

  9. Jackie says:

    Wow! Bummer 2 bucks? Ha. I found all three flavors at Ralphs at 99 cents and they were buy 2 get 1 free. I bought 12 hehe. 😉

  10. murari says:

    i love this crunch chocolate,but in India not available.

  11. Marilyn says:

    They are great…we just need more
