Walkers Worcester Sauce Potato Crisps & Wasteful Wednesdays: My Paper Towel Abuse

Junk Food Nation, I have an admission to make.  I am usually pretty green – turn the lights off when I leave a room, recycle like a fiend, use cloth grocery bags, reuse scrap paper, employ a reusable water bottle etc.  But I do have one vice which I am trying to break, and it’s my most UN-green habit of all. I waste paper towels.

Trust me, I’m not happy about it. But I’m just so used to it – from public restrooms to school bathrooms, I am confronted with paper towels.  So I use them, and my hands are used to grabbing for that absorbent material with any bit of wetness.

What happens? Well, in the kitchen what ends up happening is I have a pile of partially wet/partially drying paper towels next to the sink that I dry my hands on next time.  Why not just have a kitchen towel?  I’ve asked myself the same question a million times.  I’m trying to fix it, JFN – trust me.  I have a kitchen towel now that I try to remember to use, but I am, indeed, a 5-year old.  I bite my nails when I’m nervous and I reach for paper towels instinctively. Sigh.

Do YOU waste anything or have an UNgreen confession? Tell me in the comments below!

Plus, while you’re at it, my survey about the Future of Junkfoodguy.com is still around: Click here to take survey.

Today’s junk food: Walkers Worcester Sauce Potato Crisps!

Walkers Worcester Sauce Potato Crisps: The Money Shot

These Walkers Worcester Sauce Potato Crisps are the last of my Walkers stash from Ireland. Note that these aren’t worcestershire sauce crisps, but worcester chips. So…Wus-ter chips.  Worcester sauce is, according to Wiki, the same as worcestershire sauce, so the last two sentences really have no meaning or relevance.  Moving on…

Worcester is pronounced: wus-ter

Why’d I save these Walkers Worcester Sauce Potato Crisps for last? Well, to be honest – because I forgot I had them!  They were buried under a few other Irish snacks (yep, there’s still a couple more left) and lemme tell you, I was STOKED when I uncovered them. It’s like finding five bucks in your pocket.  If the bill was covered in worcester sauce.

Lovely ingredients!

Walkers Worcester Sauce Potato Crisps contain a slew of ingredients, because worcester sauce is made of a slew of ingredients.  What do you guys use it for? Apparently, worcestershire sauce can be used to flavor any meat and soups and drinks, but I have only sued it when making juicy hamburgers.  Is there a more common deployment of this sauce?

No visible powdering...

Walkers Worcester Sauce Potato Crisps tasted exactly as you’d expect them to taste – like potato chips dipped in Worcestershire Sauce.  The crisps were light and crispy, and in the traditional not-too-greasy Walkers style.  Really good.  Salty but not too salty, and didn’t leave me feeling gross.

...but full of flavor!

The flavor? As soon as it hits your tongue you get that smoky tang of worcestershire sauce, almost like a sour ketchup/vinegar flavor.  There’s a slightly sweet taste as the onion and garlic powders come out to round out the savory taste.  Finally, as the taste ends, you get that nice ground black pepper afterbite.

Unlike the Prawn Cocktail crisps, which tasted like cocktail sauce through and through, I must say these were even tastier.  It’s as if Walkers took a chip, made it taste like worcestershire sauce, and then made it just a LITTTTLE more savory. Very acidic.  This was like a smoky salt & vinegar chip.

Simply excellent. Would definitely eat these again.

Thoughts? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 13 Comments

  1. Shorneys says:

    Incidentally, here’s an article on the history and development of Worcester Sauce (which, being contrarian, I still refer to as Worcester Sauce and not Worcestershire Sauce): link.

    I go through bottles of this stuff really quickly. I throw it on fried eggs, into bolognese sauce, meatloaf, burgers (as you mentioned), fried rice and other stir fries. When I was in college, though, I used to make mini shot glasses out of hard boiled eggs (cut in half, take out yolk) and would fill the cavity with Worcester sauce before downing the whole thing in one bite. How am I not dead yet? That’s insane.

  2. Kahnfucius says:

    But how many paper towels do you use in a public bathroom? I don’t think I can fold a single piece of paper enough times to make the shake/fold thing work. Of course, we’d save all sorts of paper if everyone just got one of those dyson airblades.

    I bet you would be more willing to use a kitchen towel if it had a Junk Food Guy logo plastered on it. Just sayin’.

  3. Kahnfucius says:

    I was saddened to see that this doesn’t have anchovies. I mean, how many times would you be able to say a junk food has anchovies in it?

  4. I don’t know who that guy was, but I’m totally with him. I *always* shake excessively and use only *one* paper towel in public bathrooms. It’s a pride thing now – I’m saving the earth, baby!

    In other news, I would buy a Junk Food Guy kitchen towel…

  5. Corey says:

    Is there a more common deployment of this sauce?!? Come on. Ever heard of a delicious little drink that is socially acceptable to drink before noon? Bloody Mary’s! That’s gotta be #1 on the deployment list. Either that, or I’m an alcoholic.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Corey: You’re an alcoholic

    • Shorneys says:

      @corey: I don’t need social acceptance to drink before noon, and I certainly don’t need a bloody mary to do so (though they are nice). Incidentally, the best bloody marys are in Cambridge, MA, where the pint glass is the smallest service size, and every bar seems to make their own mix. Fantastic.
