Personal Favorite: de la Rosa Peanut Confections

Junk Food Nation, since I’m getting a (VERY) late start on the day, I thought I’d take a break from all the junk food I eat to share with you a personal snack that I enjoy: de la Rosa Peanut Confections.  These were introduced to me by the Junk Food Gal, and they are a Mexican Candy that she grew up with.

These Dulce De Cacahuate, or peanut confections, are a mazapan candy made from crushed peanuts.  You can buy them anywhere and everywhere online, and de la Rosa’s website is full of many different kinds of candies.  These are a great snack for a peanut lover’s sweet tooth.

de la Rosa Peanut Confection: The Money Shot

de la Rosa Peanut Confection: made from sugar, peanuts, and a little flavoring. Very simple ingredients.

de la Rosa Peanut Confection: these are also sold chocolate covered (MMMM)

de la Rosa Peanut Confection: when unwrapped, you can see how soft and delicate this candy is...those lines have been made by the wrapper itself.

de la Rosa Peanut Confection: The touch of your fingers shatter this delicate candy into several pieces. It's very powdery and falls apart easily.

de la Rosa Peanut Confection: The consistency is not very different from when you get a fresh bag of brown sugar - hard at first, but comes apart with a touch

de la Rosa Peanut Confection: Peanutty heaven

These de la Rosa Peanut Confections taste wonderful. As you bite into it, there is no tension – where your teeth hit the candy, the candy just melts away.  The piece of peanut candy that lands in your mouth begins melting almost immediately, giving off a very strong peanut flavor.  It’s sweet and creamy, and tastes like you’re eating peanut-sugar (if there was such a thing).  The feel on the tongue is very much like confectioner’s sugar – tiny tiny particles so there is no grainy feel.  Amongst the confection there are some bits of fresh peanut, so there are moments of texture that break up the smoothness.

All in all, a very tasty snack that I’ve come to really love. Despite the form, everything tastes very natural and you can really taste the peanut – there’s barely a hint of artificial flavoring at all.  If you can get your hands on these, I highly recommend a purchase.

Thoughts? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 11 Comments

  1. Ashley M says:

    These are so good. I guess I would describe them in texture and flavor as ‘peanut powdered sugar’. I haven’t seen the chocolate ones yet… gonna look for them now!

  2. Chocolate ones? Ooo…gotta look for those! 🙂

  3. Lindemann says:

    Those do look good. Can I cop them in my local Bestway, or do I need to dig deeper? The lack of Mexicans in the DMV makes finding some things a struggle.

  4. Michelle says:

    Hhaha I just bought a 30-count container of these in Food City today (Mexican store in Arizona). I love these, these are my favorite mexican candy and I was surprised to see it posted on my favorite food blog haha.
    I’m happy you like these. (:

  5. Anna says:

    I grabbed these today in vacation in SoCal based on your review. My boyfriend and I love them! Thanks for the recommendation!

  6. jesse says:

    these fucking candy are the shit

  7. Jessie says:

    this fukin candy tastes fukin amazing motherfuckers

    Fuck ya niggas
