An Unintended Part 3 Easter Candy Review

Junk Food Nation, I hadn’t intended to eat any more Easter candy.  Well, eat any more Easter candy for this blog.  But walking home today after work, I came upon this at Walgreens:

An Unintended Part 3 Easter Candy Review

75% off??? That’s a DEAL, son!  So, without further ado: An Unintended Part 3 Easter Candy Review!

Easter Peanut M & Ms - the time of year when dressing up already fictional cartoon candies as other cartoon animals is allowable

I like the detail, but adding eyebrows? They seem out of place to me. Eyebrows? On a rabbit?

These Peanut M & Ms were imprinted with a few characters - I'm sure the pink and purple ones felt left out.

Ah, Peanut M*Ms. A favorite of mine growing up. This Easter variety has individual candy pieces imprinted with rabbit Ms, chickie Ms, and…well, now I’m not sure what that upper left shape is supposed to be. An egg? With a skirt? And arms? These tasted great, of course – peanutty and chocolatey. Classic.

The Snickers Egg - the easiest way to deliver nougat, peanuts and caramel into your bloodstream.

Love the detail, Snickers!

A cross-section of my hunger

The Snickers Egg is new to me, but it’s not surprising.  Inside are the same things that make Snickers great – caramel, nougat, and peanuts.  Due to the shape of the egg, the nougat quotient was WAAAAY down (just that thin layer at the bottom) and so this was more chocolatey than a regular Snickers.

The Snickers Peanut Butter Egg - now you're just effing with me.

Same great detail... I like the consistency, Snickers.

Gooey and soft, PB taste

The Snickers Egg was interesting – I’d never really had a Peanut Butter Snickers before, but apparently the only real difference is that they added a layer of peanut butter in and reduced the level of nougat.  In fact, in this version, I think the nougat may be completely gone!  Still containing the same caramel and peanuts, this was like a Reese’s Egg with texture.

Butterfinger Egg! That's one cool rabbit, playa. Wait...why is he a cool rabbit, again?

Lack of design, but got the brand out there, and that's important Butterfinger. Know the audience - nice.

Wah?? Where's my golden center!?

Ok, what is UP with these Butterfinger Eggs? Butterfingers are well known for their gold/orange peanut buttery candy center, but this completely lacks it! The science of the egg is too big to overcome, is that it, Butterfinger? I dunno.  But did it matter as far as taste? NOPE. This egg was chocolatey and very crunchy, and if I had seen the insides, I would’ve thought the gold center was there.  It was crunchy and had all the Butterfinger taste I love. This may be the best egg yet!

Milky Way Bunny - I like how they make it look like the bunny has disappeared down a wormhole. OF FLAVOR. (I dunno. I tried.)

Whoa. That is one fucked up looking bunny.

Oooey Gooey

Wait, are Milky Ways just caramel?  No, right? It’s usually nougat AND caramel – like a Snickers with no nuts.  Well, I guess since this was called “Simply Caramel,” they removed the noug. Blah – I wanted the noug! This is really just a Caramello or Rolo Bunny.  Chocolatey and caramel-y, but very sweet and fell apart as I bit into it. Have fun cleaning this up, parents of messy kids.  That is, don’t buy these for your kids.

Russel Stover Coconut Nests! Because nets are

Yeeeergh. Ok, I guess that looks like a nest. Sort of.

Coconut embedded throughout.

The final candy for today: The Russel Stover Coconut Nest.  Doesn’t this look out of place compared to the other more super-neon colored, cool Easter designed candy? This comes in a foil wrapper, guys. This is like old man candy.

But, it tasted good, for those of you who like coconut.  Crunchy due to some crispy rice, this had a lot of coconut woven. Not as much coconut flavor as I’d like (being a lover of Mounds and Almond Joy), but this’ll cure your craving.

Well, that’s enough sugar rush for me today.  Happy Thursday!

Thoughts? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 9 Comments

  1. Dana says:

    Turn that M around and I believe you got yourself a lamb there. Thought it was a dog at first, but the lumpy head top threw me off (poodle? hmmm…not very Easter-y) so I tried to come up with something that could be tied to Easter…I’m thinking lamb. Ears, nose, fluffy head, creepy m-eyes.

    So that bunny…is giving birth to an easter egg…but he’s still in the elevator to the maternity ward…so, like every pregnant woman in every romantic comedy rushing to the delivery room, he’s making faces, holding up his belly/egg with one arm, and bracing himself on the wall with the other? That’s what I’m going with.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Dana – Lol, Lamb? I stil don’t see it! I thought dog head first too. And since when are dogs OR lambs Easter-y??? Lol

      And yes, scary bunny. Demented. Not cool, Milky way.

  2. Shorneys says:

    That Coconut nest thing gives me the willies. Try a google image search of “lotus pod phobia” and you’ll see what I mean.


  3. Dana says:

    lambs are actually quite Easter-y…”The symbol of the lamb originally comes from the Passover, where each family killed a lamb as a sacrifice. Christians view the lamb as a symbol of Christ, the Lamb of God – a Passover sacrifice to save mankind.” So on and so forth. Then it became a lot of lamb eating for Easter. Now I think it’s mostly about lambs carved out of butter for some reason. Or you can just buy a stick of butter in the shape of a lamb now – started seeing those at the supermarket a couple of years ago.

    If you still don’t see it, check out the sheep from Wallace & Grommit, this one sort of looks like those claymation sheep. The creepy m-eyes make it harder to see, I think. I actually had to copy your picture into a photo editor and flip it upside down to figure it out.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Dana: AH, the M’s are the EYES. Got it. I KIND OF see it = and thanks for the tip re: lamb! Didn’t know.

      It DOES kind of look more like a scruffy Snoopy, though, no? The dark ears are what get me

  4. Kahnfucius says:

    Truth-in-advertising should require that Snickers call those things “half eggs”. I bet they would be super if you ate two half eggs together though.

  5. sumbunny says:

    My bf said dog; I said lamb. Those Snicker eggs look really rich. Reese’s does nice peanut butter eggs, even small hard coated ones
