Photolog: Hershey’s Air Delight Bar & Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Drops & Happy Valentine’s Day Around the World!

Junk Food Nation, since today is Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share a few interesting traditions from around the world that I discovered on this here internet:

1. “In France, a custom known as ‘drawing for’ once occurred. Unmarried individuals, both young and not so young, would go into houses facing each other and begin calling out across from one window to another, pairing-off with the chosen partner. If the young man failed to be particularly enthralled with his valentine, he would desert her.” I believe in the US, this is known as Friday night at Arizona State.

2. “In Japan, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on two different dates…February 14 and March 14. On the first date, the female gives a gift to the male and on the second date…known as ‘White Day’ and supposedly introduced by a marshmallow company in the 1960s…the male has to return the gift he received on February 14.” Wait, so she gives me a gift, and then I give it right back on one month later?? Worst. Holiday. Tradition. Ever.  And White Day was introduced by a marshmallow company? It’s weird to think Japan was influenced by Kraft Jet Puffed Marshmallows.

3. “Danish men may also send a form of valentine known as a gaekkebrev (or ‘joking letter’). The sender of this gaekkebrev pens a rhyme but does not sign his name. Instead, he signs the message with dots…one dot for each letter in his name. If the lady who receives the card guesses the name of the sender, then she is rewarded with an Easter Egg later in the year.”  Here you go, babe…you’ll get an egg from me in a little over a month.  Happy effing Valentine’s Day.

4. Finally, from Taiwan: “According to Taiwan tradition, the color and number of the roses holds much significance. For example, one red rose means ‘an only love,’ eleven roses means ‘a favorite,’ ninety-nine roses means “forever,” and one hundred eight roses means ‘marry me.'” 180 roses??? If twelve roses online costs an average of 60 bucks, then 180 roses costs…$900?  Well, I guess it’s still cheaper than an engagement ring.

For today’s junk food, I thought I’d stick with traditional chocolate to honor the holiday: Hershey’s Air Delight Bar (I reviewed the Air Delight Kisses before) and some Hershey’s Drops (I am curious how these are NOT M&Ms).  Since none of these candies is particularly new, I’ll just photolog these for your enjoyment:

The Aerated Money Shot (Thanks MB!)

The chocolate looks like its farting...underwater

Traditional Hershey's bar look...

Soft and bitable

Porous as advertised, with standard tasty milk chocolate flavor

The Money Shot. Also, this was a normal size bag - how is this King Size?

Couldn't think of a better name than Drops?

No candy shell, but still covered in confectioner's glaze.

Bigger than M&Ms (which are dime size), these were nickel sized.

They're glistening. There's some kinda shenanigans going on here.

Standard insides - pure milk chocolate. Very basic, very tasty.

I hope everyone is having a nice V-Day!  Eat lots of chocolate, and we’ll see you tomorrow.

Remarks? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

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  1. Hershey’s Drops are not M&M’s because they are made by Hershey’s and not Mars. Duh! Ha!

    If you ever get time and are as much of a dork as I am, read up on the history of the Hershey/Mars/Reese’s candy companies. It is very incestuous and so bizarre that they all came up right around the same time and co-mingled brands, family members, cities, etc. There’s even a good book on it called “The Emperors of Chocolate.” It’s a bit dated, but still a good read. Here’s a link:

  2. Here’s another good one that incorporates even more companies like Cadbury, Nestle, etc.

    Okay, my book club recommendations are done now. Gosh, I’m a serious loser. LOL.
