Ugh, Super Bowl Hangover & Photolog: My Attempt at Chocolate Chip Cookie Covered Oreo and Twix

Ugh, Junk Food Nation.  I am hungover.  And to be clear, I’m not talking alcohol-hungover (although there’s a little fo that too).  I’m talking sports hungover.  Meat hungover. Dessert hungover. Media hungover.  Last night, I watched The Voice glazed over after all my guests left.  I barely lsitened, staring hazily into Xtina Aguilera’s cleavage.  I took today off from work (best idea of the century) and I didn’t want to go near a TV, computer, Twitter, Facebook, cellphone.  I was/am burnt out. Hence why this post isn’t going up until almost noon.  Sorry.

I don’t want to recap the game. Football is done.  Donesky. Donzo.  I have zero interest now. Only one thing about the postgame caught my eye: that Gisele Bundchen was PISSED after the game, telling reporters: “You’ve to catch the ball when you’re supposed to catch the ball. My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can’t believe they dropped the ball so many times.” Hilarious.

Anyways, we’ll try to get back into normal reviews tomorrow.  For today I’ll leave you with a photolog of my attempt at making a nifty dessert: Chocolate Chip Covered Oreos and Twix.  A friend made these before, and I wanted a crack at them:

I started with a bucket of pre-made chocolate chip mix, one Twix, and Walmart Oreos. Classy - that's me!

The ingredients exposed! Now now, don't be bashful.

Either my friend Andrew has shaky camera hands or I was moving as fast as the Roadrunner. Go with the latter.

Done! Like the Twix logs? Seems somewhat obscene.

Into the oven you go! 350, 30 minutes.

Hmm. THAT didn't go as planned.

Still - the initial taste test was positive by all!

So they looked like sheet what? As long as they tasted good, right?

Using double stuff Oreos was key. Ignore my even distribution of chocolate chip cookie.

I didn't get a chance to try the Twix, but everyone said those came out well, too. Ooey gooey.

So there you have it, folks.  I’m not much of a baker, trust me.

Ok, that’s enough. Back to bed for me. Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. Oh my god. I want to eat that entire tray.

  2. Shorneys says:

    In celebration of Michael Pollan’s birthday, I recommend a wholesale junk-food binge.

  3. Lindemann says:

    I’m going to go with your friend Andrew having shaky camera hands. Those were really good, though.

  4. Adam says:

    You sir, are awsome.

  5. Tony says:

    A genius creation indeed.
