The Ripken-esque Streak is Alive! Sort of. Two Non-Reviews and a Promise

Junk Food Nation, as you may (or may not) know, I’ve been having some behind-the-scenes server issues.  It’s caused this site to crash, to not load, to be down completely, and to delete comments annoyingly.  It’s frustrating to me, as I try to connect with you, and it’s frustrating for you, who expect things from me.  Anyways, over the next couple of weeks I’m going to be working very hard to resolve these issues so that they won’t (fingers crossed) happen again.  I spent much of this morning doing research on these problems, so I apologize for the extreme lateness of this post.  Just in time for dinner, right?  Right?  Hello?

Anyways, I though today I’d just mention two things I saw which I will not be reviewing anytime soon.  Then tomorrow, it’s back at it with the full-time reviews.

First, Jell-O brand Mixchief Color Changing Pudding and Gelatin!

Mixchief? Lame

Looking at these crazy-ass boxes, you’d think these treats would be something out of Harry Potter: pudding that changes flavor and colors as you stir it, Jell-O that glows in the dark or changes color like a mood-ring.  So when I saw these mixes, I was super excited…until I read the box.  Apparently, this stuff changes color…only as you’re making it!

That is, you add you liquid to the mixes inside, and it changes color as you’re stirring it (which I guess is sort of neat), but then once it reaches it’s “changed” color…that’s it.  Then you serve it.  WHAT?  That’s it?! I mean, my ranch dressing turns orange when I mix in some Frank’s Red Hot; you don’t see me slapping a label on it, trying to market it as color changing-anything, do you?  Lame, Jell-O.  Lame. And green pudding sounds gross.

Sooper Loopers? Lame

Of course, the Jell-O Mixchief mixes weren’t as lame as this Limited Edition cereal, called Froot Loops Sooper Loopers.  I enjoy Froot Loops now and then, but take a closer look at this box – the “sooper loopers” are just two cereal loops fused together.  THAT’S what makes it Limited Edition???  The machine at the cereal plant accidentally joined two rings prior to the heat-puffing process, and you’re marketing them as Limited Edition????  I sincerely wonder how often this happens – a cereal company’s machine goes wonky and they advertise around it.  Remember back in the day when Lucky Charms marshmallow colors were all screwed up? I guarantee that it was a manufacturing error.

Anyways, back to normal reviews tomorrow, folks.  Happy Saturday!

Thoughts? Tell me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 3 Comments

  1. I call hoax! A multi-billion dollar company doesn’t make an error and then market it. They wanted to make something new and marketing it as an oops is part of the story. Of course, as I kid, I totally thought the Lucky Charms marshmallows really were mixed up. I remember eating a bowl, thinking, “Idiots…”

  2. Kahnfucius says:

    Toucan Sam should be serving sooper loopers in some sort of soup. Chicken broth, anyone?
