Popcorn, Indiana Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettle Corn & Absurdly Big Erasers: What’s the POINT??

Junk Food Nation, I was in my local Walgreens the other day, and I noticed that in the school supply section of the store, they were still selling those big clown erasers.  You know, the ones literally the size of a large candy bar?  When I was a nerdy little kid, I used to love these things – oversize pencils the size of a celery stalk, big ass erasers that were pink and that you could thwap people with, and those pens that had 20 different ink color sticks inside.  But now that I’m older, I think it’s all absurd.  ESPECIALLY the big ass eraser!

What’s the point of that? It was never a good eraser, number one.  That overly tough plasticy rubber did nothing but smear any pencil marks all over the page.  Second, if you managed to get an eraser that would actually pick up some of the graphite, it inevitably caught the paper’s surface and ripped your sheet of paper in half.  Third, the eraser shavings that came off the thing were dusty and awful, and left your hands filthy. Fourth, it always smelled like the stale inside of a rubber glove.

I just can’t believe they’re still selling those things!  I understand that pencils are still around (I haven’t used one in years), but even for those who DON’T believe that writing with wooden sticks is obsolete, MOST of them use a regular sized eraser.  The company that is making those oversized eraser REALLY needs to get into designing mobile apps or something; otherwise, they have a dim future ahead of them.

Let’s get to today’s junk food and discuss a company NOT possessing a dim future: Popcorn, Indiana and their Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettle Corn!

Popcorn, Indiana Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettle Corn: The Money Shot

I’ve already celebrated Popcorn, Indiana’s Black and White Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn and their Chip’ins. When a commenter mentioned their Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettle Corn, I knew I had to find it.  And here it is!

Chocolate chips & kettle corn is a money combo

Purchased at my local Safeway store, I must admit, I am starting to see Popcorn, Indiana EVERYWHERE.  Walgreens, CVS, Safeway, Giant, Whole Foods – this company is starting to take over the world.  And I for one welcome my new popcorn-themed overlords.

I mean, sticking dark chocolate and chocolate chips on kettle corn??? Do I eat it or just bathe in this stuff?

This is indulgent

Popcorn, Indiana Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettle Corn is not on their website anymore, which makes me think (1) it was a limited run (and kudos to me for getting in on it!) and (2) how long has Safeway had these bags lying around?  Hmmmmm….. (3) why am I complaining?

You are not insane.

My mouth is watering.  I mean, that someone at this company thought, “let’s not only drizzle the popcorn with chocolate but also tiny chocolate chips” let’s me know that the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. My next wish for Popcorn, Indiana – just cover the popcorn with ice cream and drizzle gummy bears all over it.

My mouth is watering

I love that they refer to their popcorn as “handcrafted magic.”

Super drizzled with chocolate

Well, hocus pocus my ass if this Popcorn, Indiana Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettle Corn doesn’t look amazing.  Let’s take a closer look:

Chocolate chips galore!

You can see up close that this Popcorn, Indiana Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettle Corn is just BRIMMING with chocolate.  The little chocolate chips are plentiful and these globs of popcorn are just decadent-looking.  Time for a taste!

MMMMMMMMM this is good stuff! The kettle corn – fresh, crispy/crunchy and slightly buttery sweet, like a good kettle corn.  The chocolate ribbon is soft and sweet and complements the popcorn well.  The tiny chips are like chocolate explosions, whenever you bite into one it just reminds you of how good the whole combo tastes. Like sweet Corn Pops just doused in dark chocolate flavor.  But it wasn’t bitter – the sweetness of the kettle corn mixed really well with the rich chocolate to give you a really sweet satisfying flavor.

A really good, really decadent chocolate popcorn treat.  If I had any complaint, it’s that the chocolate globs of popcorn wasn’t consistent – there were some pieces of popcorn in the bag which didn’t have any chocolate on them.  They still tasted great, however.  Plus, who am I kidding? I ate this popcorn by dumping the contents of the bag into my mouth gradually, so yeah – the non-chocolatized pieces weren’t noticeable.

Great work, P, I.  3 for 3.  Onto the next!

Thoughts? Tell me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 23 Comments

  1. Oh my god, that stuff looks incredible. I can’t ever buy it though because it’s definitely one of those things where I’d eat the entire bag in one sitting and that would not be good.

  2. Damn, this looks good. They’re quickly becoming my favorite snack company too – who doesn’t love popcorn? 🙂

  3. Joyce says:

    Best popcorn I have ever had. No longer at Wal-Mart. I even posted it on facebook. My niece found it at bed, bath & beyound. Wonder if they still have it. Let me know where I can get this again.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Joyce: Down here in DC, you can still find it at Walmart. But yeah this looks like it started to die out around Christmas time.

  4. laura greene says:

    This stuff is the bomb!!! I love it. I found it at Big Lots and keep going back to stock up…I hope they will carry this all year. I’ve been on a diet and a handful of this satisfies completely!!! Love love it

  5. Danelle says:

    This is my favorite popcorn.. SO SO good. I bought it up like crazy, but now I can’t find it anywhere.

  6. Danelle says:

    This is my favorite popcorn.. SO SO good. I bought it up like crazy, but now I can’t find it anywhere.

  7. Tracy says:

    i just want to find a few bags that has the dark chocolate drizzle on the popcorn

  8. Tracy says:

    I am looking for kettle corn popcorn in a bag drizzled with dark syrups…please let me know where i can find it…thank you, tracy craine

  9. Tracy says:

    just want to find a bag..

  10. I tried your popcorn by chance and loved the dark chocolate chip fudge popcorn. My husband and I eat it as our nightly snack on our diet. The chocolate is perfect for our chocolate crave.Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it anywhere, at least not the dark chocolate fudge with chocolate chips. I usually buy 8 bags when I can get it. Will you be putting it back on the shelf for sale again soon? I’d buy from your company if I can, but I only want the chocolate one. Please, help me. We love your popcorn. Thank you, Sincerely, Christy Coleman
    , 384 Maple Ave. , Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054

  11. Antonia says:

    It’s been recalled…Go to their website…Listeria contamination.

    They didn’t say the product, itself, would be discontinued, so I think they will produce it again once the Listeria concern is eliminated.

  12. Karen Davis says:

    The Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettlecorn sis the best I have ever had. My only problem is finding it. I would like to buy by the carton if I could.

  13. Jess says:

    I bought these in walmart December 28th, 2013. Maybe they are back, or in select locations. I finally opened them today and yes they were good.

    I have been making home chocolate popcorn for some years now.

    Usually i mix m&ms and marshmellows with popcorn and warm it like 10 seconds.
