Limited Edition Tastykake Pineapple & Cheese Baked Pies & Wikipedia Going Dark?? What the Hell, SOPA??

Ok, Junk Food Nation, I lied.  Awkward Tuesday is now going to be tomorrow (Awkward Wednesday).  Sorry, but I could NOT pass up this topic: apparently tomorrow, the Internet is GOING ON STRIKE! That’s right, all your favorite websites are going on strike to protest SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act. Essentially, this is a congressional act that would allow the Department of Justice to go after websites that may participate in copyright infringement.  Proponents want the act to help protect intellectual property.  Opponents see it as Internet censorship.

I’m not hear to talk about SOPA, however – I wanna talk about this STRIKE!  Basically, on Wednesday, January 18, 2012, a TON of the websites you know and love are going dark.  Offline.  Kaput.  OFF.  Sites like RedditMozillaWikipediaWordPressTwitpic and Cake Wrecks.  Did you hear me, people?  WIKIPEDIA IS GOING OFFLINE!  (Although now that I see WordPress is going offline too, I’m a little worried about my Awkward Wednesday post…yikes.)

Think of a world without Wikipedia!! I am imagining a post-Apocalyptic nightmare, like I Am Legend. No more reading spoilers to movies!  No more instant info as to Candice Swanepoel’s bust size!  No more long drawn out boring paragraphs about ice and snow!  No more using Wikipedia to write junk food blog posts! (Wait, who would do THAT?)

A world without Wikipedia.  That is what tomorrow will be.  Hope you went to the grocery store and bought plenty of cans of tuna.  It’s gonna be a rough day.

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Tastykake Pineapple & Cheese Baked Pies!

The Money Shot

Limited Edition Tastykake Pineapple & Cheese Baked Pies were found at this RANDOM ASS GAS STATION in Silver Spring, MD.  Seriously, it was cigarettes, bottles of Mountain Dew, a dirty little tray of pennies, and then in a weird stack at the end of one row was a horde of these boxes.  Limited Edition Pineapple & Cheese Tastykake Pies.  How could I NOT indulge?

Interesting combo

Limited Edition Tastykake Pineapple & Cheese Baked Pies are adorned with pineapple shapes and pictures – but I half expected there to be at least a LITTLE picture of some cheese somewhere.

And does Pineapple & Cheese sound good to ANYONE??  I realize, in the end, it’s likely more of a cheese(cake) type of a cheese but still…..this combo gives me the chills.


So many ingredients for such a little box.  My favorite part of this list were the phone numbers at the end, however.  They actually have two phone numbers that end 1-800- _ _ -TASTY.  Wow, that IS something.  Send Tastykakes anywhere, call this number?  Why do I feel like the end rings Mayor West’s office?

Golden brown

Creamy center

Limited Edition Tastykake Pineapple & Cheese Baked Pies have a similar filling to many of their baked pies – a congealed mess.  Only this time, it’s a congealed mess with bits of pineapple inside.  Yay.

Bits of pineapple sticking out

MMMM gelatinized

I took a bite of these Limited Edition Tastykake Pineapple & Cheese Baked Pies, chewed, and swallowed. I will say honestly, not bad. I WISH the inside was a cheesecake filling like I theorized, but no such luck.  Essentially, the filling was more like eclair filling with some pineapple mixed inside… it was flavorful in that it was a sweet and creamy, but the weird gel-like texture, interspersed with what seemed-like pineapple from a can, really threw me off.  Did it taste pineapple-y? Sure.  But the pie dough tasted waxy and Crisco-like, and the whole thing together felt like a poor version of a weird flavor donut.

It really wasn’t great.  At all.  The closest thing I can think of are cheese danishes…but I LIKE cheese danishes.  Not bad, but this was really not good.

Sorry Tastykakes.   I liked your pumpkin one!

Thoughts? Tell me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 5 Comments

  1. Ha, ha… is not going down, so I’ll be there with another “exciting” review!

    As for the pineapple and cheese combination, well, that’s horrifying. Pineapple is bad enough, but putting it with cheese seems so totally wrong. I’m glad you found it to be okay though because this is the type of thing that would give me nightmares.

  2. My initial thought was that pineapple and cheese was a horrible combo too, but then I remember seeing the exact combo in danishes when I was a kid from the Betty Kay Bakery, and I thought those were the bomb. Go Tastykake!

    Down with SOPA!

  3. Not Üter Zörker says:

    Pineapple & cheese is a European thing, I think. It’s lacking the ham though: Google “pizza hawaii” or “toast hawaii”. Yeah, we actually eat that and we like it. 😉

  4. Not Üter Zörker says:

    Okay, I looked it up and it’s not actually European, it’s just us Germans. It’s really tasty though, try it sometimes!
