Classic Junk Food Review: Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints & Remembering My First time…Playing Fantasy Sports

Junk Food Nation, tonight is my fantasy basketball draft.  Those of you who know me (or have read this blog) know that I have a ton of problems with basketball.  The game itself. The players who play it. That it never calls me back, and leaves the milk carton open. But I digress.  My friend Lynette from LA came knocking with a place in her league, and I am stoked for it. Because I am a fantasy sports degenerate.

I haven’t played fantasy basketball since high school.  That’s (my god) over 10 years ago. The first time I played fantasy sports was not fantasy baseball or football, but fantasy basketball. This was *gulp* in the days before the internet.  (SHUT UP.) For the draft, my buddy Dan would invite us over to a local church, and we’d set up tables in the basement like we were GMs in New York City. We had name placards made of notebook paper, golf balls with our names on them in a shoebox to pick the draft order, and the big perk was free soda.

After the draft, scores were calculated by taking daily newspapers and crunching numbers with a calculator.  There was no other way to do it. Whenever I was in the grocery store, I’d be grabbing newspapers to look at prior night stats.  I’ve never bought so many USA Today’s in my life. Drop/adds were conducted by phone or in person. Entry fee was, at the time, a staggering $10.

Looking back, it was a really great time in my life, because it was my first real HARD look into sports and the stats behind it all. Managing a team was like managing a business – my first business – at age 14.  If it weren’t for Dan and his golf balls, I wouldn’t be where I am today, preparing for my first fantasy basketball auction draft in over a decade.  Game on.

Since this post is all memory-laced, I figured I’d review a classic junk food, a favorite of mine (and like half the world): Thin Mints Girl Scout Cookies!

The Money Shot

Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints are a popular favorite for many people when Girl Scout Cookies are sold. In fact, Wiki reports (and we all know how accurate Wiki is), that Thin Mints account for 25% of all Girl Scout Cookie sales. At about $4 a box, with an estimated 200+ million boxes sold a year, that’s over $800 million dollars, with $200 million coming solely from Thin Mints.  Yowza. They won’t be changing this recipe anytime soon.

When I think Girl Scouts..I think Ziplining

The only thing I can say is where the hell is this girl ziplining that uses an actual old school straw-looking rope as the thing attached to the harness??? Isn’t it all nylon cords, bungy cords, and the such these days?? Someone check out the safety regs in whatever state this ropes course is in…

Wonderful cookie pictures

Ah, Thin Mints. Your glistening chocolate sheen beckons from outside the box.  *drool*

Peppermint Oil

The best part of Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints is, of course, the flavor, and I’m amazed to see that oil of peppermint is the LAST ingredient in the mix, meaning its the lowest quantity ingredient in the whole box.  Weird.  According to Wiki, peppermint oil can reduce irritable bowel symdrome. So…there’s that.

It's a racket!

Girl Scouts cranks out the future business leaders of tomorrow, I’m convinced of it.  Have you ever been accosted by a hoard of little girls outside of a Target with these cookies? They just keep shouting at you until you buy, then they give you a sweet “thank you.” One time, I walked past these three girls who were just yelling, “BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM!” at every passer-by.  Talk about never losing confidence in your brand and making sure you nail the pitch.

Log of cookies

Light and chocolatey

Each box of Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints comes with two logs of cookies.  Serving size rules go out the window with Thin Mints.  Each row is one serving. So this box has two servings in it. I’m sorry, it just does. IT JUST. DOES.


Each cookie is covered with a standard chocolate, and inside is a crunchy chocolate wafer cookie. Do I have to keep describing these? Has anyone NOT had a Thin Mint before??? If not, go try some, right after you discover the internet and gas-propelled vehicles.

Crispy wafer nom noms

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM now that’s the stuff.  The reasons that Thin Mints are so popular are clear: great tasting chocolate coating. The chocolate wafer inside – extremely light and crispy.  Good peppermint flavor that mixes well with the chocolate. Overall light chocolate mint experience, leading you to believe that you can eat thirty cookies in a row. And with its pervasiveness in our culture, definitely the cookie that most people compare every other chocolate peppermint cookie with.

Well, I’ve enjoyed going down memory lane.  Any thoughts? Tell me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 9 Comments

  1. Thin mints are fine, but nothing matches the pure sinfulness and delight of eating a Tagalong cookie. By far the best Girl Scout cookie there is!

    The only thing better than eating a Tagalong cookie itself is eating a Tagalong Blizzard from Dairy Queen on the rare occasion that they have them as a limited time offering.

    • Tony says:

      I actually agree with IE. Tagalongs are definitely superior, but Thin Mints will always be a favorite of mine.

  2. I never did anything adventurous or outdoorsy in Girl Scouts. I just remember going to a church basement and getting picked on by bitchy girls while we learned how to tie knots or make silver polish out of lemon juice & cream of tartar.

    The cookies were the best part. Did you know the DQ makes a Thin Mint Blizzard? It’s awesome!

  3. Taz says:

    Ick, Thin Mints. I never did understand the obsession with them. No, no, you want a fantastic Girl Scout cookie, you have to go with Samoas. ..Which is strange considering that I don’t care for coconut, but they’re the perfect cookie. You have a slight crunch of the cookie, the wonderful sticky caramel, the texture of the toasted coconut and top it with fudge. Omgyes.

  4. Adi says:

    Thin Mints are actually my number 2. My number 1 are SAMOAS!!!! They are the shizzzzz. And their serving size is one box. That’s right! ONE. BOX.

  5. Rodzilla says:

    I have a problem with seemingly innocent girl scouts trying to kill everyone with hydrogenated oil

  6. Lindemann says:

    Peppermint oil is super super potent. If they had it any higher in the ingredients list you’d be coughing from all the peppermit flavor exploding in your mouth. YOU COULDN’T TAKE IT, JFG.
