Happy 4th of… Hey where’s my splash banner???

Junk Food Nation, I have no Internet. The storm which swept through DC is still causing problems. For me, it could be worse, so I’m not complaining. I could be like so many of my friends who still have no power. As of around 10pm last night, I was cut off from the Internet. My Apple Time Capsule is just flashing orange on repeat. A search of tweets from the area reveals everyone having the same problem. Sigh.

So how am I even writing these words? On my iPhone via 3G.  This is painstaking. Not. Thrilled.

I had a decent Independence Day post planned too… But alas no way to upload photos. This is some BS. But what can I do? So until the cable comes back and I’m able to once again share my gluttonous life with you, stay safe out there Junk Food Nation. And Happy Independence Day.



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